In Friendship We Roar
August 6 - 31, 2024
Unit 270, The Chinatown Centre
Canada-Hong Kong Link
Chinese Feminism Toronto
Feminists for Jina
Hajar Moradi
Hiva Nematollahi
Myanmar Students Association Ontario
The Regional Tibetan Youth Congress, Toronto
The Protest Banner Lending Library founded by artist Aram Han Sifuentes
(Housed at the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre)
In Friendship We Roar grapples with the role of diasporic communities in protesting against the oppressions, inequalities, and violence that happened, and/or are still happening in their (ancestral) homeland.
Animals roar to communicate long-distance, and protect their territories. These gestures resemble the diverse diaspora in Toronto while protesting - roar to support, connect and dissent. In this exhibition, we look into the power of roar. How do diaspora communities in Toronto roar? In what ways can roar form transnational and/or cross-cultural friendships among and between diaspora? How can we roar to amplify voices and make changes?
This exhibition creates space to explore the visual impact of protests and build an archive of banners. This helps preserve the different languages and expressions which are often censored in their (ancestral) homeland.
Learn more about this exhibition through its Instagram: @infriendshipweroar